**We are completely SOLD OUT and will not be able to accommodate any additional guests. Unfortunately, we won't be able to allow entry to anyone without a confirmed registration. Thank you for understanding and we hope to see you at a future event**
ATTENTION ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Become better acquainted with the CHBA home builders!
We schedule two builders at each breakfast, one custom, and one volume, providing an in depth look at the featured builder's past, present and future. The CHBA holds these informative business development forums geared toward Associate members to assist in the professional relationships between our members.
Participating in this event is an excellent way to gain more exposure for your company.
SPACE IS LIMITED ·(30) SEAT SPONSORS $35 each, includes seat and up to 5 five minutes to speak
Be sure to bring materials and business cards for the builders to take back with them!
Printed courtesy of www.hbacharleston.com/ – Contact the Charleston HBA for more information.
PO Box 30428, Charleston, SC 29407 – (843)735-9226 – quinton@charlestonhomebuilders.org